Date: Saturday May 11th
Meeting time: 10 AM
Where: Piercy Community Hall
Newly established: Fire Lane and No Parking Signs
Presented by: Piercy Fire Protection District & Redwood Forests Foundation Inc.
Is to inform our neighbors of changes that effect access to the river on Standley Creek Undercrossing Road, Fire Lane – No Parking and a designated area “No parking zone for Fire Trucks and Water Tenders on the river beach for a clear entrance and turnaround space” for drafting water during any Wildland Fire Incident threatening our Piercy Community.
Current climate changes affecting Northern Mendocino County and our Piercy Fire Protection District prompted these changes and encourages more preparations and awareness to potential fire hazards to help protect our neighborhood. This means no open fires during the Fire Season (June 1st to October 31st)
This section of the South Fork Eel River has been a favorite recreation and swimming area for Piercy residents and traveling visitors for many years. Our goal is not to stop use of the beach and river but to make everyone aware that their safety and security is our top priority.
We welcome your participation and views at this open discussion. Thank you.
Refreshments will be provided
Jeff Hedin, President
Piercy Fire Protection District