The Piercy Community Hall

The Piercy Community Hall is a work in progress. Renovated with new kitchen, bathroom and ADA compliant front porch, fundraising is ongoing to install a new roof.
The Hall has served as county polling place to get out the vote, as a command center for search and rescue operations, A Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) resource, it is an asset as an Emergency evacuation center. The Hall is available for weddings, wakes and classes. The PFPD Hosts community gatherings and events here.
In past decades the Piercy Community club was established to maintain the hall and the Piercy Church, which was once the 4th Piercy school, built in 1930 and moved from the roadside of old 101 to it's current location in 1950.
The property is administered by the Piercy Fire Protection District for the benefit of the community.

Kenny and Crystal Horn installing the new roof - June 2023

PFPD Commissioners Jeff Hedin & Larry Casteel with Fire Chief, Patrick Landergen
interviewed by Jasha Mae for KMUD Radio